A Boat Parade and A Marathon...
Ok, so I am supposed to be writing my paper that is due this afternoon, but I needed a break from all of the Adlerian theory stuff, so I thought that I would write a post. I know - what a great excuse to stop writing a final paper that is worth 40% of your final grade...
This weekend was a lot of fun. On Friday, Jeff and I hung out in Lodi with some friends at the Cactus and then played darts at Drew and Toni's for a while. We got up pretty early on Saturday morning and drove to General Mills to help build/decorate the float that will be in the parade on Thursday. We were there for a couple of hours and got some accomplished. I am excited to see the finished product. (As a side note - Jeff and I will both be riding the float! How fun will that be!!) We got home and took a nap. I got up and did some homework and then we went to beauiful downtown Stockton for the lighting of the Christmas tree and the boat parade. Well, we missed the lighting of the tree, but did get to see the parade. It was pretty cool. We attempted to take some pictures, but not all of them turned out. Here are a couple to show you what we experienced:
The boat above was one of my favorites. It had the sword fish in the front and the fishing poles in the back had fish and stockings on them. I thought it was very creative. The photo below is of a speed boat decorated to look like a swan.
Overall, there were about 75 boats parading in the Delta that evening. It was something that we would never experience in MN and had fun seeing all of the boats (I could use the word yachts). A funny note about this - they place where the tree is and where the delta flows is a pretty popular place. During the winter months they have an skating rink. I was excited about the opportunity to go ice skating so Jeff and I walked over there while we were waiting for the start of the parade. Well, it turns out that it is not an "ice" skating rink - it is plastic!! It was so funny to see people skating on this. I almost want to try it just to see what it is like :-)
Sunday was another early rise. Jeff and 3 others from General Mills (Toni, Steve, and Catherine) ran as a relay team in a marathon in Sacramento. I was their support person and chaperone for the day. It was fun to see and there were a ton of people there! They did a super job and finished the race in just under 4 hours! Here are pictures of Jeff running and the team:

OK, I need to keep going on my paper. I know that it should be completed already, but the rest of the weekend was spent on a final presentation for my Monday class - which I am very happy with how it turned out (Yeah for Cultural Identity Development Theories!!)
I hope that everyone had a good weekend. Only 10 days left until we are in MN/WI!!! This semester just flew by!!
I am so sad that we will just be missing you guys! I hope finals/ papers are getting done nad going well for you. It was so nice for me to be done. Although I will say, I wrote the most blog entries when I had a lot of studying to do... go figure;-)
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